High Performance Structures Inovatie si Dezvoltare SRL has as well in the space technology development portfolio, development of antennas and antenna components. This field of activity is increasing with every new activity, which later on becomes the baseline for building high technology readiness level products.
CORF - Compact RF Components for Space Applications (Final Customer: ESA)
The activity implies investigation, development, manufacturing and assembly of antenna passive RF components: Iris Polarizer and OMT polarizer for user segment antennas at Ku-band.
Components RF design and analysis is performed with support of HPS-DE and manufacturing, assembly and testing is performed with support of Romanian partners.
Currently the critical breadboard campaign is concluded, with testing results that show very good agreement with the simulations.

MESREF - Solid Reflector with Metal Mesh as the Reflective Surface
(HPS-RO Prime, COMOTI Sub-contractor; Customer: ESA - Artes Activity)
The objective of the activity is to design, manufacture and test a side-deployable reflector with metal mesh as the reflective surface and a solid backing structure with a significant mass reduction of 25% when compared to state-of-the-art reflectors, a shaping capability, very low reflective loss, and low acoustic load sensitivity.

The activity is currently at building blocks investigation phase, with the main purpose to validate the concept, as it is a state-of-the art one.
ITAR - Improved Technologies for In-Orbit High Geometrical Accuracy and Low Mass Antenna Reflector
The activity implied development, design, manufacturing, assembly and testing of an antenna reflector made out of a single block of titanium alloy in contract to ROSA. The project coordinator was COMOTI.
HPS-RO was responsible for requirements definition, design and structural and thermo-elastic analysis. Several load cases were studied, having as reference the profile mission of Plato mission.

The activity is currently at building blocks investigation phase, with the main purpose to validate the concept, as it is a state-of-the art one.